Mission: Keeping our Water Clean, using 100% Natural Dyes

Humanity depends on clean waters for our continued evolution. The fashion industry tends to be a polluting one and our mission is to safeguard clean waters by helping establish natural dyes as a viable alternative to synthetic dyes.

Having  revived the 100% Natural Indigo Fermentation Process   is testament to our dedication. With that as our starting point, we now master a vibrant palette using only natural, mainly plant based, dyes.

Offering Sustainable Livelihood

The Colours of Nature (TCoN) employs a total of 100+ dyers, tailors, embroiderers, and other artisans, offering viable sustainable livelihood to people from the Auroville bio-region.

Keeping Ancient Knowledge Alive

In face of consumerism and a throwaway culture, preserving ancient artisanal knowledge is precious.

Specifically, we are custodians of natural dyes techniques such as the 100% Natural Indigo Fermentation process and hand embroidery. We also use traditional techniques such as wax resist block printing, a type of batik, and shibori, another ‘resist style’ with the Japanese verb ‘shiboru’ meaning ‘to wring, squeeze and press’, although we also stitch to keep sections out of the reach of our natural dyes.

Our very operations help keep ancient artisanal knowledge alive, whilst continuously researching and reinventing to improve on it.

Any and all of our products are testament to the ancient knowledge and promote the aliveness of the same.

Nurturing Local

  • Auroville's Centre for Scientific Research (CSR) made our indigo vats
  • Wood from sustainable Auroville forests, sometimes brought by bullock cart, bring our wood in a slow fashion
  • We collaborate with other worthy Auroville units, such as Auromics.

Fostering Innovation & applying New Technologies

Some may think that with our focus on artisanal and handmade we are somewhat backward, but this far from true. Yes, our dyeing and manufacturing are very labour intensive but this brings employment to many. Nevertheless, we are continuously researching and innovating and ready to automate and have various plans for machinery ready that can help us do so.

Wasting nothing

Some of our most recent work is based on the upcycling of fabric – including small scraps – that might have otherwise been mistaken for “dead stock”. To us, nothing ever dies, and no Natural Dyes are ever wasted. In a project engaging two NIFT students, we created two collections that had as their starting point to organise fabrics for reuse.

Standing Firm against racism, Celebrating all our Colours

Whilst our core focus lies on applying the colours of nature on textiles in various way, we are also 100% committed to the raison d’être of Auroville - that of manifesting a real human unity. Where better to do this within the realm of fashion, one that still has a long way to go to challenge the current (false) norms.

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Put the focus on what you have to say!

At The Colours of Nature, our mission is to provide no-fuss & contemporary, sustainably-made garments and interior design products using 100% natural dyes. We are committed to preserving clean waters, nurturing local communities, and celebrating the diversity of At The Colours of Nature, our mission is to provide no-fuss & contemporary, sustainably-made garments and interior design products using 100% natural dyes. We are committed to preserving clean waters, nurturing local communities, and celebrating the diversity of nature and her humans.and her humans.

At The Colours of Nature, our mission is to provide no-fuss & contemporary, sustainably-made garments and interior design products using 100% natural dyes. We are committed to preserving clean waters, nurturing local communities, and celebrating the diversity of nature and her humans.At The Colours of Nature, our mission is to provide no-fuss & contemporary, sustainably-made garments and interior design products using 100% natural dyes. We are committed to preserving clean waters, nurturing local communities, and celebrating the diversity of nature and her humans.

At The Colours of Nature, our mission is to provide no-fuss & contemporary, sustainably-made garments and interior design products using 100% natural dyes. We are committed to preserving clean waters, nurturing local communities, and celebrating the diversity of nature and her humans.

Donate to this Auroville unit, which may not accept investments with returns on the same. Whilst we appreciate our slow growth, we are also happy to receive donations from anyone wanting to support our cause.


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